Fun with Fitness – New Year, New You

Model & Fytness Coach Amanda Lynn Mayhew-Hare

We have all decided that we are going to better ourselves for the new year, every year.  Whether it is to quit smoking, start walking more, lift weights, or eat better, but, it rarely works.


One of the biggest reasons people lose their resolution ideas and goals is because they are just not fun, and you will find a way to put it off to the next day and then that becomes the next day, and so on.

Even compiling small, short exercise routines will add up to big improvements; the most success I have had with my clients is the Daily Discipline™.  Finding a way to fit 3 – 5 minutes of exercise a day is a huge investment in your life.

Do you know it takes 15 seconds to perform 10 push ups or that it takes 30 seconds to perform 30 jumping jacks? Follow me around my house and you will see me performing exercises such as these as I am doing other tasks, like brushing my teeth while performing squats, or push ups in the kitchen while cooking, or crunches in front of the TV in the evening while watching an entire episode of my favourite program.

Accountability is another way to keep yourself on track which is why I started 365 Days of Fitness on Facebook™, with over 280 people (and counting) keeping you accountable for your activities, commenting, pushing, motivating and being there for you, it has turned out to be one of the most successful events to date where strangers have become your coach, and your new friend.

You can make fitness fun!

Invest in you. One life, one heart, one chance.

Happy New Year to all the loyal (and new) Fytness Fanatiks out there, let’s do it together to make 2012 your healthiest year ever!

Amanda Lynn Mayhew 

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