‘Family Life’ Information

Gardening update

Gardening update

Well, our indoor garden (started to be ready for transplant when summer is officially here) continues to progress. Emeraude is so impressed at being able to eat from her plants already. Les haricots sont rendus tellement gros! Elle comprend maintenant que si ont les laisse pousser sa vaux la penne [Read more]

Birthday Piñata

Birthday Piñata

Saturday, we begun working on yet another piñata! Emeraude is a HUGE fan of piñatas, and any occasion will do – we made our 1st (I think) at Christmas for her Nursery School and then another at Easter. After much debate over the past few weeks, Emeraude finally decided that this one would [Read more]

Cupcakes for party

Cupcakes for party

I got the idea for these cupcakes from MarthaStewart.com and Emeraude was very excited about it. I was unable to find shoestring licorice, or anything similar, for antennas and am hoping that we figure something out for the 2nd half which we hope to share when iced. We opted to use a mix for the [Read more]

MHSAA Beach Volleyball Photos 05.29.09 | 05.30.09

MHSAA Beach Volleyball Photos 05.29.09 | 05.30.09

CLICK HERE to read the article submitted to the Chronicle Journal in regards to this event. Lloyd was gone fishing with the Bethany Pentacostal men’s group and so did not participate in the tournament. Friday night the weather was quite nice and Emeraude & I brought her wagon, sand toys [Read more]

May 30 – Part two

I’m back… I was an hour early, my pain seemed at the point that it must be time and so the math made sense (I wanted it to be time and wasn’t paying enough attention counting to four lol). I had called Vickie (I would never do so late at night but she had told me [Read more]


Another very long day, in the back of my head at all times is White Lake and how I will deal with being unable to go if that nightmare actually materializes. Emeraude’s birthday was wonderful. 4 years old already. I can’t say that I can’t believe it as I worked hard to enjoy every [Read more]

May 28

May 28

This morning, because Emraude would be having her cake with family later, I helped her open a card she received from Gandma Teena (Daniel’s Mother) a few days prior. She was so excited about the card which had a ”pendant’ that you could punch out from it with a [Read more]

Soccer warm-ups

Soccer warm-ups

Township of Manitouwadge Leisure Services Youth Soccer ProgramI think this may be Emeraude’s favourite part of soccer practice, lol. [Read more]

Baking – May 25th

Baking – May 25th

Carrott pecan cupcakes & Carrott raising cupcakes Mmmm! We iced them different colours to tell which were which (pain, pecan or raisin) and then shared a bunch at the hospital, a few with Vickie, a few with Mom & Dad and brought some (not pecan) to the family place on Tuesday. Didn’t [Read more]

Manitouwadge Museum Officially Opens

Manitouwadge Museum Officially Opens

   Ribbon cutting at Manitouwadge Museum by Karina Hunter    The Manitouwadge Archival & Historical Society continued their month long celebration of Ontario Museum Month Saturday with the official opening of the Manitouwadge Museum.  Past and present residents as well as special guests [Read more]

Artiste & Living with MS

Artiste & Living with MS

  Je ne suis pas en très bonne forme ces jours-ci, v’la une couple de semaine j’ai réaliser que mes médicaments ne faisait plus effets; cela est normal avec des opioïdes, ton corps s’habitue et il faut re-ajuster). Je suis allé à l’urgence – c’est là que [Read more]

Children’s Festival

Children’s Festival

Each year the Manitouwadge Leisure Services department improves on their annual Children’s Festival and 2009 was no exception… It isn’t fancy to look at but I would challenge you to find a child d not enjoy themselves thoroughly or who isn’t dissapointed when they must [Read more]

Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Cleaning day but the sun is shining out and Lloyd is running away to work at the children’s festival so what do we do? postpone until tomorrow? nope, have the first of three youth soccer photo days; tomorrow Primary & Seniors are tomorrow at 13h, which I am very much looking forward to. [Read more]

Acupuncture appointment…

Acupuncture appointment…

To say I was dissapointed would be such an understatement… Thursday (day before the appointment) I spoke with the acupuncturist, to talk to her about the possibility of me being late. I explained to her that since I am not on a schedule (my doctor refuses to order my pain meds as being [Read more]

Acupuncture Day!

Friday morning, the sun is shining; both the kids woke up in great moods and are now at school.  At lunch, Emeraude and I are getting a ride to Marathon with Mom for my first acupuncture session. I’m a little nervous, spoke with the acupuncturist, Jennifer Bott, yesterday and she advised me [Read more]

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