‘Family Life’ Information

frustrations battled alone

How discouraged I feel at the very thought of possibly being unable to take our annual camping excursion to White lake… Just typing it brings tears to my eyes and I fear so deeply that this could actually happen. I would not have ever thought this could even be possible unless I was truly on [Read more]

Fishing Excursion

Fishing Excursion

The weather network predicted sunny skies and warm weather Wenesday, May 20th and so we planned to go fishing at the Geco bridge after Lloyd was out of school. My ride to the hospital for my 14h30 injection forgot me unfortunately so it was 15h15 before I was even on my way to the hospital. [Read more]

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Community Garden Questions & Comments

MANITOUWADGE COMMUNITY MEMORIAL GARDEN PROJECT   Comments & Questions… I have yet to learn how to add the option of commenting on static pages (the pages which never change and are listed just below the header) I am adding this ‘post’ for you to use for any comments & [Read more]



We were on out way home from the Brooks Street playground but first, I spotted a rock outside the fence and asked the kids to sit so I could get a shot (I stopped buying the school protraits because of the cost/value of their packages and the fact that they didn’t seem to bother with [Read more]

Homeschool – Fine motor development

Homeschool – Fine motor development

 Pipe Cleaner Fun  This afternoon, when Emeraude would normally take her nap, we settled on my bed with a mountain of pipe cleaners and worked on the craft I had found from MarthaStewart.com the other day.  The instructions were very clear, definitely a fine motor development activity, and tons [Read more]

Living with MS – 05.18.09

I am pretty much in the same shape these days as I have been all year other than 3 good weeks in March when the IV Steroids I received successfully reduced my symptoms (fatigue, pain, weakness in legs, etc).  I go to the hospital for dilaudid injections to make the bone/muscle pain (neuropathic [Read more]

Sunday May 17.09 Playground

Sunday May 17.09 Playground

We went to the playground behind Graham (street) tonight and had a blast. We laughed too hard, played shark (some of that in the photos), boating, loved every minute of the silliness! Both the kids were so much fun. We went to the Petro after and bought gummy bear twisters (Lloyd & Emeraude) [Read more]

May.16.09 quickpost

May.16.09 quickpost

After a difficult, painful night with not alot of sleep I went to the hospital early this a.m. (6h15)  but didn’t make it back home (no stops in between, just one of those visits) until 7h and Emeraude woke up just minutes afterwards.  It was Saturday morning however so I left myself off [Read more]

May 15.09

May 15.09

Today was crazy… Too much time wasted at the hospital and without any good reason (mix ups and miscommunications ruled my day which can be extremely frustrating, thankfully the nurse who was working Friday evening is very patient and sweet).  So, when I was finally able to get to the [Read more]

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

So, we ended up making our toilet paper puppets instead of the pipe cleaner creatures although I did show Emeraude a quick version of the pipe cleaner creatures while Lloyd was in the grocery store and we were waited in the van and she agreed that it is a definete must-do for another day :).  [Read more]

Yet another free ride…

Couldn’t wait to post my update on MS happenings for the week after this morning I received yet another free ride from yet another new driver… As Vickie, who became my angel in past weeks driving me constantly, not only to the hospital here in town 3 and 4 times a day but even to [Read more]

Pipe Cleaner Creatures |marthastewart.com

Pipe Cleaner Creatures |marthastewart.com

Pipe Cleaner Creatures and more creative crafts projects, templates, tips, clip-art, patterns, and ideas on marthastewart.com. Emeraude and I are going to try these this afternoon & we will post our creations afterwards. For now I hope these will inpire you, instructions can be found at the [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart3 Jell-O Variations

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart3 Jell-O Variations

This is a really easy one. Be careful of course with the kettle… You can add almost any fruit to Jell-O but pineapple and, hmmm… I forget the other but they are listed on the box.  We were making strawberry jelly and opted to add sliced bananas in ½ the batch and fruit cups (x2) [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart2 Chutes Niagara

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart2 Chutes Niagara

Grandmaman travaillait au Chutes Niagara la semaine dernière et a rapporter un livre plein de photo qui explique les chutes et ce beau t-shirt rose pour Emeraude. Merci Grandmaman! xo   [Read more]

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