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March Break – Gardening

March Break – Gardening

Emeraude & I began our gardening today (March 16,09). Last year we started all the veggies & flowers early indoors as well but I got over eager and we transplanted them outside too early – they froze and her beautiful healthy plants were mostly demolished (check my facebook page or [Read more]

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

I was inspired this Friday morning when picking up Emeraude from Nursery School to attempt this craft. Nikki, her N.School teacher was kind enough to spare some blue cellophane which really is a nice touch. Emeraude had made other water themed crafts at school that morning which included a sensory [Read more]

Homeschool – Snow Science = FUN!

Homeschool – Snow Science = FUN!

Monday  I decided to keep it simple. Lloyd was nice enough to realize we were loosing our day and after badminton he became a chef. When we came in from collecting our snow and before starting our experiments we were able to sit down at the table as Lloyd had even set the table perfectly in [Read more]

Click if you need to SMILE!

Click if you need to SMILE!

Emeraude has become quite fond lately, of striking a pose as she likes then to immediately have me show her the photos and see what feeling so fun looks like. I wanted to post these because sometimes, I can be having a tough day and, if Lloyd is at school and Emeraude is napping, I can [Read more]

March 11. Snowshoeing Struggles

March 11. Snowshoeing Struggles

Emeraude is resting for 1/2 hour to give me a chance to build up a little energy… It’s a really bad day, more fatigue than I have dealt with in a long time, I think there may be stress factors contributing to this situation, hopefully some fresh air fun with my girl will help with [Read more]

Afternoon at the Playground

Afternoon at the Playground

Sunday, March 8th, was a beautiful day and I intended to take advantage of it and did! It took most of the day to get to the fun outside part but towards the end of the afternoon (after groceries and the hospital of course – more painwere finally on our way out into the snow. Lloyd [Read more]

My Favourite Nurse

My Favourite Nurse

Th kids are great about understanding when they need to accompany me sometimes on my hospital visits. Last Friday Lloyd was AWESOME as he had come with his sister at lunch (we had picked her up from school so it was just faster for them if we went straight to the hospital before going home [Read more]

Quiet time together…

Quiet time together…

Last Tuesday, I had some chores to do before supper and suggested to Emeraude & Lloyd they read a book together. They found a nice book which included stickers to add to each page.  The stickers were not numbered in any way so after Lloyd read the page, Emeraude would be challenged to decide [Read more]

Babysitter Blues…

What a bummer. The lady who I had believed was going to be Emeraude’s regular babysitter for play time, at least while I am  less physically able,  and who  babysat Emeraude last week for her outside play time and to bring her back & forth to skating (3-5pm mon-fri) will not be [Read more]


There aren’t enough hours in the day (but that is true for most Mom’s) and I have been swamped with trying to get some new scheduling figured out.  Hopefully this week will be a little less complicated and have less debates. Apologies to those of you who have taken interest in my blog [Read more]

Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake

My birthday was off to a great start as when I returned from the hospital (pain meds) around 7h45 the house was quiet and still… I thought maybe the kids were busy eating in the kitchen and went towards my room to hang my coat. In the doorway of my room I found Lloyd standing [Read more]

Daddy’s back

Emeraude was thrilled yesterday when she spoke to her father on the phone and he announced that he would be back home today.  He has been working out of Hearst & Kapuskasing for some time now and had, when he left 2 weeks ago, not thought he would return until the 2nd or 3rd week [Read more]

Sunday Sliding

Sunday Sliding

Still having fatigue issues (living with 7 hour days at best) and needing too many trips to the ER for pain meds to be able to use what little time I do have living.  I was so happy to make it out sliding with Emeraude yesterday (thanks to supper @ Mom’s that I didn’t need [Read more]

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Bird feeders Emeraude & I begun yesterday then completed & hung this morning. It was a lot of fun and she is beautiful. There is a post I have begun writing about this and then the unfortunate events that occurred later in our day but I am too angry & just downright sad for both [Read more]

Living & MS Feb.24.09

A very long day, faster paced than I like to live through but all in all it went well. I started the day at the hospital, getting pain meds after having taking oral meds to no avail around 6:30am and it looks like my day will most likely finish with a trip there as well [Read more]

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