Posts Tagged ‘Manitouwadge/Marathon’

§κ8Tξ βΘ@®Ðì∩g

§κ8Tξ βΘ@®Ðì∩g

The boys were playing around on their skateboards in the driveway the other night and I couldn’t resist getting some photos, they are such great sports, always ready to strike a pose for me or re-take a jump lol. The photo could come in handy when we are able to get to work on getting a [Read more]

Emeraude Exploring: The Dentist

Emeraude Exploring: The Dentist

Feel free to print the book if you have a little one in your life (2-6 yrs) who would like to read it. It is for personal use only (not to be sold in whole or in part) and I would ask that if you enjoy it and would like someone else to have a look, you link back to here. [Read more]

Publishing project progress

I continue to work diligently on the Emeraude Exploring collection. Last week we visited Canada Post. Jen was AWESOME! Emeraude enjoyed herself very much and we both learned all about the journey an envelope takes through the post office. The photos went well (unfortunately, the Post Master is shy [Read more]

Good Sunday to You!

I was blessed this morning to have the opportunity to attend a wonderful church service. I went to church alone, which is unusual for me, I cannot recall the last time I went to church without my children but they were of course in my thoughts and prayers as they are always. Emeraude slept at [Read more]

Lion’s beach – April 24

Soccer practice

Long day… I am very dissapointed and concerned that I am still dealing with fatiuge, pain and other symptoms although my solumedrol treatment is done. I did not go to the hospital yet today although this is not from lack of pain but rather because the doctor prescribed new oral pain meds that [Read more]

Solumedrol, Day four…video post

On a different note, I was advised today that my readership included a group I was not previously aware of. Apparently there are some among the staff @ MGH (our local hospital) who are fond (or perhaps that's not quite the right word lol) let's say who have noticed my blog. Apparently some are [Read more]

Living – April 21

Living – April 21

Ok, another very busy day (in spite of having less than adequate supplies of energy). The kids were a huge help. So was Vickie as she has been ever since my symptoms began coming back with a vengeance last week. She goes beyond giving me rides to the hospital and has been calling to arrange [Read more]

Generosity. Blessings. Pain. Frustration.

I finally took up the offer of yet another very kind lady who had given me her phone number during the bad months at the beginning of the year when I was going to the hospital in way too many taxis.  I felt a little odd calling someone I don’t know for a ride but [Read more]

Manitouwadge First Northshore Community to Welcome MasoniChIP

Manitouwadge First Northshore Community to Welcome MasoniChIP

So why is Manitouwadge the first community to have this vital service made available to its residents? Curran credited Karen Robinson, Economic Development Assistant for the Township of Manitouwadge [Read more]



...The way she had to walk when she got up realizing her pants had taken in water and she was soaked through, we tried wringing out her mittens which were saturated but ... [Read more]

Emeraude’s first spring ride…

Emeraude’s first spring ride…

The photos I think will tell most of the story… There was as much walking the bike as there was riding the bike 🙂 I was quite impressed with her improvement from last year, especially since it was her first ride since. She can use her brakes well already, she was also [Read more]

Mtwdge Nursery School Bus Ride

Mtwdge Nursery School Bus Ride

This week was all about Transportation at Nursery School. Emeraude only goes Friday mornings and as luck would have it, that was the day the school bus was coming to give the kids a ride (many of them are going to Junior Kindergarten next year and will be taking the bus). I was thrilled for [Read more]

Ludicrous Locum

…ludicrous generally refers to something so ridiculous it is laughable. I am no where near laughing at this situation yet but I liked the illiteration. Yesterday, Emeraude and I had 2hrs stolen out of our day by a locum who seemed to have too much free time on his hands, I thought then that [Read more]

Long day… April 15th

Long day… April 15th

When I finally got called in Mrs. Ormston had completely won Emeraude over ...and she (E) had no interest in accompanying me lol. Mrs. Ormston said she didn't mind her staying with her to play and I knew this was sincere and that she was in great hands so let Emeraude stay with her having fun... [Read more]

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