Posts Tagged ‘Parenting’

Lloyd on his way to NSSSAA

Lloyd on his way to NSSSAA

...leave it behind in his locker to rot not wanting to stand out or being embarrassed (I was never on many sports teams but my freinds and I always loved extra food, as I mentioned so have his friends when I've done stuff, so I don't really understand his view on this but still try to respect it [Read more]

more Easter eggs

more Easter eggs

...Lloyd & I used white glue and sparkles (thanks again Nonnie Keri!) on some and we used the wax technique again when dyeing the others - lots of fun! [Read more]

Egg Crafts

Egg Crafts

...did not think of it as Emeraude had started singing and had me enthralled lol (she makes up her own songs about whatever is going on at the time and I really just sit back and enjoy the performance - I never know what tune she might come up with or what the lyrics will be like so she has me on [Read more]

My Skating Star!

My Skating Star!

Emeraude had so much fun this weekend, it was great to see her shine and come out of her shell quite a bit as well.  She received a ton of balloons, flowers and beanies from friends and family who came out to watch (Thanks everyone!) which made her feel really special.  Lloyd had volunteered to [Read more]

more pinating…

more pinating…

and then POW!! right out of the blue as Emeraude & I were making snack this morning the  balloon in the pinata pops! only problem is that we hadn’t yet gone high enough up the balloon so we put  a new one in and blew it up again until it filled out the shell of [Read more]

another pinata

another pinata

Easter is quickly on it’s way and of course Emeraude’s Nursery School will be having a special day that week. At Christmas, Emeraude had wanted to make a pinata for her school’s Christmas party, we made a Santa head, it was great, alot of fun and learning in the process so we are [Read more]



Well, my treatment was definitely successful…I’ve been scared too say that, scared to jinx it, scared that I might be wrong and have it fade after just a day or two but it would seem that I am free – for now. Last night I even went in for a shot of Dilaudid, partly worried [Read more]

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

After 2 hours of arguing with Dr.Crawford about increasing my pain meds, the discussion turned to Tuesday’s (tomorrow) appointment and that I was hoping to suggest giving my IV Solumedrol treatments again (they failed in January but that was a full 3 months ago and my body might have lost [Read more]

MS Frustrations – 03.21.09

It was only a matter of time apparently before Dr.Crawford would be influenced by others at the hospital in this  ridiculous idea that I should only be allowed pain relief for certain amounts of time and then it’s just too bad so sad, deal with it.  Or at lest that is the only thing I can [Read more]

March Break – Gardening

March Break – Gardening

Emeraude & I began our gardening today (March 16,09). Last year we started all the veggies & flowers early indoors as well but I got over eager and we transplanted them outside too early – they froze and her beautiful healthy plants were mostly demolished (check my facebook page or [Read more]

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

I was inspired this Friday morning when picking up Emeraude from Nursery School to attempt this craft. Nikki, her N.School teacher was kind enough to spare some blue cellophane which really is a nice touch. Emeraude had made other water themed crafts at school that morning which included a sensory [Read more]

Homeschool – Snow Science = FUN!

Homeschool – Snow Science = FUN!

Monday  I decided to keep it simple. Lloyd was nice enough to realize we were loosing our day and after badminton he became a chef. When we came in from collecting our snow and before starting our experiments we were able to sit down at the table as Lloyd had even set the table perfectly in [Read more]

Afternoon at the Playground

Afternoon at the Playground

Sunday, March 8th, was a beautiful day and I intended to take advantage of it and did! It took most of the day to get to the fun outside part but towards the end of the afternoon (after groceries and the hospital of course – more painwere finally on our way out into the snow. Lloyd [Read more]

My Favourite Nurse

My Favourite Nurse

Th kids are great about understanding when they need to accompany me sometimes on my hospital visits. Last Friday Lloyd was AWESOME as he had come with his sister at lunch (we had picked her up from school so it was just faster for them if we went straight to the hospital before going home [Read more]

Quiet time together…

Quiet time together…

Last Tuesday, I had some chores to do before supper and suggested to Emeraude & Lloyd they read a book together. They found a nice book which included stickers to add to each page.  The stickers were not numbered in any way so after Lloyd read the page, Emeraude would be challenged to decide [Read more]

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