Posts Tagged ‘hospital’

Publishing project progress

I continue to work diligently on the Emeraude Exploring collection. Last week we visited Canada Post. Jen was AWESOME! Emeraude enjoyed herself very much and we both learned all about the journey an envelope takes through the post office. The photos went well (unfortunately, the Post Master is shy [Read more]

Super Galactic Garbage Day

LOL… that’s Emeraude’s motiviational song for when she & Lloyd are doing there Saturday morning garbage pick up around the house, great tune lol Spent way too much of my morning at the hospital earlier although it’s hard to complain about it when Vickie drove me and lost [Read more]

another day

this excruciating, dibilatating pain in my bones like I have rods being shoved up my legs, arms, my hands and feet being a pile of broken bones that if I could somehow keep in one piece I would get some break from it... I know that there are answers to me having [Read more]

Solumedrol, Day four…video post

On a different note, I was advised today that my readership included a group I was not previously aware of. Apparently there are some among the staff @ MGH (our local hospital) who are fond (or perhaps that's not quite the right word lol) let's say who have noticed my blog. Apparently some are [Read more]

Living – April 21

Living – April 21

Ok, another very busy day (in spite of having less than adequate supplies of energy). The kids were a huge help. So was Vickie as she has been ever since my symptoms began coming back with a vengeance last week. She goes beyond giving me rides to the hospital and has been calling to arrange [Read more]

Long day… April 15th

Long day… April 15th

When I finally got called in Mrs. Ormston had completely won Emeraude over ...and she (E) had no interest in accompanying me lol. Mrs. Ormston said she didn't mind her staying with her to play and I knew this was sincere and that she was in great hands so let Emeraude stay with her having fun... [Read more]

spring fun!

spring fun!

It is great to see just how much she trusts him, Emeraude began feeling weary of swinging last summer...much more impressive when she kept asking to sit on Lloyd so he could pump them so hard they were up side down ... [Read more]

Living with MS

Well, I think it’s time for another IV Solumedrol treatment. Sunday I went for my first dilaudid injection in weeks (since the last steroid treatment at the end of March) and I have returned again yesterday and then again today. I have a lot of bone and joint pain and am feeling fatigue, [Read more]

more pinating…

more pinating…

and then POW!! right out of the blue as Emeraude & I were making snack this morning the  balloon in the pinata pops! only problem is that we hadn’t yet gone high enough up the balloon so we put  a new one in and blew it up again until it filled out the shell of [Read more]


Kids are at school and so will keep this short.  Feeling very hopeful about the results of the IV Solumedrol (5day/1500mg/day) I received this week. My MS Symptoms (pain, fatigue, cognitive functions, etc) have defenitely been reduced. Will go for blood work today however to check ESR levels as my [Read more]

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

After 2 hours of arguing with Dr.Crawford about increasing my pain meds, the discussion turned to Tuesday’s (tomorrow) appointment and that I was hoping to suggest giving my IV Solumedrol treatments again (they failed in January but that was a full 3 months ago and my body might have lost [Read more]

MS Treatment. Solumedrol Day 2

MS Treatment. Solumedrol Day 2

I was relieved to see Bonnie was attending when I went in this evening. The IV that had been put in last night (anticubital by my request) looked awful, the butterfly sides not having been taped had gouged into my arm (read yesterdays…) and so I asked her if she could put in a new [Read more]

Living with MS 03.16.09

Living with MS 03.16.09

Just another trip to MGH for pain meds. Emeraude was with me and couldn’t resist the puddles along the sidewalk outside. Still going 3-4 times/day for Dilaudid injections which really limits my ability to live like a normal person but I am grateful that I have Dr.Crawford on my side during [Read more]


There aren’t enough hours in the day (but that is true for most Mom’s) and I have been swamped with trying to get some new scheduling figured out.  Hopefully this week will be a little less complicated and have less debates. Apologies to those of you who have taken interest in my blog [Read more]

Sunday Sliding

Sunday Sliding

Still having fatigue issues (living with 7 hour days at best) and needing too many trips to the ER for pain meds to be able to use what little time I do have living.  I was so happy to make it out sliding with Emeraude yesterday (thanks to supper @ Mom’s that I didn’t need [Read more]

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